Scufefd Creators


Brought Scufefd to life with Squire, also speaks better English than him! The most chaotic Scufefd Swede with big brain* gameplay.


Embraced the way of Scufefd, wanted it to be more. Plays those games you didn’t even know existed. Also deemed too sexy for Twitch, so no cam.


Abby loves fantasy, hitting on in-game characters and DnD. Shame she rolled a Nat.1 and was forced to become part of the team.


Caithlin is one of the 14 inhabitants of Australia. She has a magical and flowery way with language! Also wears raincoats inside. Might call you out on fucking following her… but ACTING~!

Smactus is the most glorious potato in the whole of Canada with a smooth buttery voice to match. Loves the razzle dazzle of bowties along with a prick or two from his cactuses.


Scufefd VIP


The center of Scufefd’s first charity event What Would Shibz Do? (WWSD)